Adam Snow, Organizational Visionary

Adam was one of the early adopters of Transcendant Joy, having been lucky enough to learn about it from the founder himself, after his death Adam selflessly took apon the role of spokesman and leader of Transcendant Joy, and has been successfully leading the movement ever since. Adam Went to college at harvard on scholarship but left 3 years in before graduation, finding that something was wrong with the world of academia and the lessons he was being taught, afterwards he sought out the Founder, Josephia, after reading his papers on doom, seeing the truth in them that the world of science rejected as fiction. He worked in the roll of theraputic advisor and pr man while the founder still lived, and was chosen by the founder before the founders unfortunate passing.

Cindy Thorne, Archavist

Cindy is a more recent adopter of the faith, being freinds with some members, she offered to help with our books for a part time salary. While helping us out we she took interist with the academic rigor we took to analizing occult practicis, and a lover of the occult herself, she asked for a full time position as the bookeper, to spend time learning and exploring our library's, eventually she was officially innitiated, and became our archavist, her job being to delve into history, lore, scientific studies, and the local gossip, to find what is of "occult" nature in our world, to find what uses can be found in phenomina, and to find meaning in the patterns of graphs and sheets. If you are interested in the more "extra scientific" methods used in transcendant joy, innitiating just to work under miss Thorne is not something we would have no mind to shame you for, and would gladly encourage.

Raphanial Patterson, communications and productivity officer

Raphanial's Story is a story of the Power of Transcendant Joy, Raphanial had a rough life before joining us, He had suffered through some bad things, he fealt doomed, but after being found by Adam Snow and was convinced into being brought in for treatment, they decided to devote themselves to this orginization, Raphanial is the person charged with keeping the dreamers and philosophers that lead this movement on track, he makes sure that the various sects and peoples all within this philosophy know what to do and what people are doing. He is a highly practical man and though his past was rocky and he seems tough, he has a heart of gold.