Happyness Awaits. Act Now!

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Transcendent Joy is a lifestyle, a philosophy. We know that the darkness in bleeding hearts hurts the world, and we need to keep the world healthy by keeping up joy, and whimsy, and we want you to help our mission by allowing us to heal you. We have opened our halls to all who wish to enter, and have allowed everybody the oppertunity to seek freedom from Doom.

This world is full of Doom, children Doomed to live unfulfilling lives, men Doomed to die in pointless labor and struggle, women Doomed to suffer at the hands of those who would hurt the, but we stand against them, against that. We stand to save all those suffering, and to bring end to all pain. We, unlike others in this modern day, truly care about the Doomed.

IT HAS BEEN PROVEN, Suffering begets suffering, towns fearful of disaster are those hit by disaster, people whose sorrows control them become controlled by the source of said sorrows, and the hateful manifest what they hate. That is what Josephia Barwood proved as a psychologist and philosopher, and he with his divine wisdom and mystical forsight" developed the cures to the ailments of life that we use, so that corruption would not be allowed to multiply within the hearts of man. Do not trust the man on tv, who says "I can cure you for 5 easy installments of 599$" they are liars and theives, and we will not sell you illusions.

The healing brought on by a life of pure joy is something you should not count out. “stress ages and whimsy makes the young,” Your soul can be cleared of the corruption of the modern day. You can cleanse yourself of unwanted thought patterns, sicknesses of the mind, such as depression, ptsd, and other divergences. Take innitiative in saving yourself, learn more below.

LINKS: Info pages